Беременная модель Playboy восхитила сеть своими фото
Беременная модель Playboy восхитила сеть своими фото

Беременная модель Playboy восхитила сеть своими фото

28-летняя модель Playboy Бриттни Уорд ждет появления своего первенца этим летом.

My belly may still be small for 7 months, but every woman’s body is different and ALL bellies should be celebrated big or small.

#29weekspregnant 📸 @robertvoltaire.

Беременная Бритни поделилась своими фотографиями и написала в социальных сетях, что ""ребенок не может дождаться свадьбы"".

Dear little dude, I know I’m not technically a mommy yet..

but I can’t help but feel already so protective over you.

You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up (besides your daddy of course) the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and every moment in between.

I can promise you I will try my very best to be the best mommy to you I possibly can...

I know I will make many mistakes along the way and may even embarrass you A LOT 🤣 but just know I will never take for granted the opportunity I’ve been given to be your mommy.

We really can’t Wait to meet you little guy.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums out there.

s it would be really great if you could not throw a party In My uterus tonight so I can get some sleep 🤣 #mothersday #28weekspregnant.

Дженсон Баттон встречается с Бриттни с 2016 года.

Our goal is to make you throw up 😂❤️ photo by @sarah_gehman #6monthspregnant.

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